Amtec WA 67 is an all position, extremely high alloyed, titania coated electrode suitable for welding both hot and cold work tooling applications. The deposit of the electrode reaches full hardness in the as welded condition. This electrode offers strength at elevated temperatures, and also has high temperature toughness and wear resistance, even at elevated temperatures. Suitable for welding the base metals of AISI types H-10, H-11, H-12, and H-13.
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Amtec Stainfer 316L is an economical, fully synthetic, high performance, joining and cladding stainless steel alloy for use on a variety of stainless steels. Stainfer has very high speed weld deposition and easy striking. It produces clean, spatter free welds and the slag lifts by itself. It has an extra low carbon content, suitable for welding CR-NI-MO steels in the 300 series, such as 316L. The loaded flux and mild steel core wire keep the electrode from overheating, and the electrode deposits much more than conventional typestainless electrodes. The 1/16 and 5/64 sizes arevery popular for welding out of position andfor stainless steel pipe welding.
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Amtec 275 is an all position, controlled hydrogen electrode that has high strength, outstanding elongation and ductility for an electrode of this type, that will provide crack free welds under high stress conditions. This electrode is smooth running on both AC and DC currents, shows little spatter, and has a self-releasing slag and a uniform rippled deposit. Welds are easily machined. This electrode also exhibits extra low moisture content of below .14%.
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Amtec 269 Heatalloy is a specially formulated electrode that has a coating which produces a weldment with 170% metal recovery, depositing a nickel alloy for facings on hot work tools. Amtec 269 Heatalloy deposits are exceptionally tough and become work hardened during use without deformation of the weld deposit taking place. The weld metal performs very well under high compression and will retain its hardness up to 1000°F.
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Amtec 224 is a specially developed, very unique “Double Coated” flux coated low hydrogen electrode. The inside coating has metallic additives to improve the welding properties of the electrode and the outside coating has AC enhancers and arc stabilizers. The high strength combined with the high elongation make this electrode exceptional for welding low and medium carbon steels. The unusually stable arc makes this electrode ideally suited for root passes and positional welding.
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